Cross Word - The Definition Game
definition of [1] #1 erupt v. [break out] start abruptly; "After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc". wn [2] #2 erupt v. [irrupt, flare up, flare, break open, burst out] erupt or intensify suddenly; "Unrest erupted in the country"; "Tempers flared at the meeting"; "The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism". wn [3] #3 erupt v. [ignite, catch fire, take fire, combust, conflagrate] start to burn or burst into flames; "Marsh gases ignited suddenly"; "The oily rags combusted spontaneously". wn [4] #4 erupt v. [come out, break through, push through] break out; "The tooth erupted and had to be extracted". wn [5] #5 erupt v. [belch, extravasate] become active and spew forth lava and rocks; "Vesuvius erupts once in a while". wn
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about cross word The VIZZZ CROSS WORD isn't a crossword, but a definition of a word that could make you cross. It's a mental game, just a way to pass time, in fact, a good crossword trainer and vocabulary builder. All you have to do is guess the originating word from the given definition. Clues are at hand if you need them. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes difficult and at times strange. The game is configurable, follow the link. 0.00s |