Cross Word - The Definition Game
definition of [1] #1 smoke n. [fume] a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas. wn [2] #2 smoke v. inhale and exhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, pipes; "We never smoked marijuana"; "Do you smoke?". wn [3] #3 smoke n. [smoking] a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion; "the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles". wn [4] #4 smoke v. [fume] emit a cloud of fine particles; "The chimney was fuming". wn [5] #5 smoke n. an indication of some hidden activity; "with all that smoke there must be a fire somewhere". wn
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about cross word The VIZZZ CROSS WORD isn't a crossword, but a definition of a word that could make you cross. It's a mental game, just a way to pass time, in fact, a good crossword trainer and vocabulary builder. All you have to do is guess the originating word from the given definition. Clues are at hand if you need them. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes difficult and at times strange. The game is configurable, follow the link. 0.00s |