Cross Word - The Definition Game
definition of [1] #1 spur n. [goad, goading, prod, prodding, urging, spurring] a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something; "the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves". wn [2] #2 spur v. incite or stimulate; "The Academy was formed to spur research". wn [3] #3 spur v. [goad] give heart or courage to. wn [4] #4 spur n. [spine, acantha] any sharply pointed projection. wn [5] #5 spur n. tubular extension at the base of the corolla in some flowers. wn
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about cross word The VIZZZ CROSS WORD isn't a crossword, but a definition of a word that could make you cross. It's a mental game, just a way to pass time, in fact, a good crossword trainer and vocabulary builder. All you have to do is guess the originating word from the given definition. Clues are at hand if you need them. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes difficult and at times strange. The game is configurable, follow the link. 0.00s |